March 11, 2011: 'Flat white' joins the Oxford English Dictionary, 

Image credit: Mint

Coffee origins traced back to Ethiopia in the 9th century. 

Image credit: anadolu

Coffee reached Europe in the 17th century and quickly gained popularity. 

Image credit: Linkedin

Brazil holds the top spot in coffee production. 

Image credit: Maps of web

The flat white is an espresso-based drink originating from Australia and New Zealand. 

Image credit: The Kitchen

The term "flat white" was officially included in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011. 

Image credit: Economic Times

Latte, short for "caffè latte" in Italian, translates to "milk coffee."  

Image credit: Facebook

Lattes are typically served in larger cups and have a higher milk. 

Image credit: Bre escrepo

Statistics consistently highlight Finland as the top coffee consumer per capita.  

Image credit: Facebook

In March 2024, Google honored the flat white coffee with an animated doodle. 

Image credit: Republic World