Georgia inmate serving life mailed bombs from prison to D.C. office building, Alaska court, feds charge

[ad_1] Zoom In IconArrows pointing outwards David Dwayne Cassady, inmate in Georgia. Courtesy: Georgia Department of Corrections A man serving a life sentence for kidnapping and other crimes while in a Georgia prison built two bombs which he mailed to a District of Columbia office building and the federal courthouse and building in Anchorage, Alaska, prosecutors allege. The accused bomb maker, 55-year-old David Cassady, allegedly put the two explosive devices into the mail at his prison in Tattnall County on Jan. 24, 2020, according to an indictment issued by a…

A Look at Washington State’s ‘Strippers’ Bill of Rights’

[ad_1] Washington State recently enacted a law that includes wide-ranging workplace protections for adult dancers, who have long fought for such measures across the country. The law, known as the Strippers’ Bill of Rights, was signed by Gov. Jay Inslee on March 25. It includes anti-discrimination provisions and mandatory club employee training. Supporters of the law say that it includes incentives for establishments to comply, as it carves a path for them to obtain liquor licenses. The state traditionally has prohibited venues that allow sexual performances to sell alcohol. “It…