Surveillance Bill Clears Key Hurdle in House, Putting It Back on Track

[ad_1] The House took a critical first step on Friday toward reauthorizing a law extending an expiring warrantless surveillance law that national security officials say is crucial to fighting terrorism, voting to take it up two days after a previous attempt to pass it collapsed. Grasping to salvage the measure before the law expires next week, Speaker Mike Johnson put forward a shorter extension — two years instead of five — in a move that appeared to win over hard-right Republicans who blocked the bill earlier this week. On a…

Donald Trump Told Pence Certifying Election Would Be ‘Career Killer,’ Valet Testified

Trump Told Pence Certifying Election Would Be ‘Career Killer,’ Valet Testified

[ad_1] The threat from President Donald Trump to his vice president, Mike Pence, was clear and direct: If you defy my effort to overturn the 2020 election by certifying the results, your future in Republican politics is over. “Mike, this is a political career killer if you do this,” Mr. Donald Trump told Mr. Pence by phone on the morning of Jan. 6, 2021, according to the White House valet who was with the president for much of the day and told Congress he had overheard the conversation. The testimony…