Georgia inmate serving life mailed bombs from prison to D.C. office building, Alaska court, feds charge

[ad_1] Zoom In IconArrows pointing outwards David Dwayne Cassady, inmate in Georgia. Courtesy: Georgia Department of Corrections A man serving a life sentence for kidnapping and other crimes while in a Georgia prison built two bombs which he mailed to a District of Columbia office building and the federal courthouse and building in Anchorage, Alaska, prosecutors allege. The accused bomb maker, 55-year-old David Cassady, allegedly put the two explosive devices into the mail at his prison in Tattnall County on Jan. 24, 2020, according to an indictment issued by a…

Georgia Lawmakers Approve Tougher Rules on Immigration After Student’s Killing

[ad_1] Georgia lawmakers voted on Thursday to tighten the state’s already strict immigration laws in response to the killing of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student, whose death became ensnared in the broader fight over immigration policy after a man from Venezuela who entered the country illegally was charged with her murder. In the frenzied final hours of the legislative session, the state’s House of Representatives gave final approval to a measure that would require local law enforcement agencies to scrutinize the immigration status of people in their custody and…

Ahmaud Arbery’s killers ask appeals court to overturn their hate crime convictions

[ad_1] Attorneys are asking a U.S. appeals court to throw out the hate crime convictions of three White men who used pickup trucks to chase Ahmaud Arbery through the streets of a Georgia subdivision before one of them killed the running Black man with a shotgun. A panel of judges from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta was scheduled to hear oral arguments Wednesday in a case that followed a national outcry over Ahmaud  Arbery’s death. The men’s lawyers argue that evidence of past racist comments they…