Reddit shares plunge almost 25% in two days, finish the week below first day close

[ad_1] The trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange prepares for the social media platform Reddit’s initial public offering in New York City on March 21, 2024. Spencer Platt | Getty Images Reddit shares are plummeting after experiencing a rally stemming from the social media company’s IPO last week. Shares closed at $49.32, ending the week below their closing price on Reddit’s first day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. They closed at $50.44 last Thursday. Stock markets are closed on Good Friday. Reddit shares began their…

Trump Urges Israel to ‘Finish Up Your War’

[ad_1] Former President Donald J. Trump, in an interview with a conservative Israeli news outlet that was published on Monday, exhorted Israel “to finish up your war,” mixing bellicose support for the government of Israel with harsh warnings that the Jewish state was losing international support by providing “a very bad picture for the world.” But while Mr. Trump had typically harsh words for President Biden — he called Mr. Biden “dumb” — he offered no prescriptions for what the United States should do, or for what he would do,…