Georgia inmate serving life mailed bombs from prison to D.C. office building, Alaska court, feds charge

[ad_1] Zoom In IconArrows pointing outwards David Dwayne Cassady, inmate in Georgia. Courtesy: Georgia Department of Corrections A man serving a life sentence for kidnapping and other crimes while in a Georgia prison built two bombs which he mailed to a District of Columbia office building and the federal courthouse and building in Anchorage, Alaska, prosecutors allege. The accused bomb maker, 55-year-old David Cassady, allegedly put the two explosive devices into the mail at his prison in Tattnall County on Jan. 24, 2020, according to an indictment issued by a…

Federal Authorities aim to confiscate $14 million New York apartments allegedly linked to a corrupt scheme involving aTakes Action to Seize $14 Million New York Apartments Tied to Former Mongolian Leader in Alleged Mining Scandal

Federal Authorities aim to confiscate $14 million New York apartments allegedly linked to a corrupt scheme involving a former Mongolian prime minister and his Harvard Business School graduate son. The lawsuit details millions siphoned from a state-owned mining company, implicating Prime Minister Sukhbaatar Batbold and his family. Defense claims echo previous allegations as a misinformation campaign. [ad_1] Batbold Sukhbaatar of Mongolia addresses the Millennium Development Goals Summit at the United Nations headquarters in New York, September 22, 2010. Emmanuel Dunand | AFP | Getty Images Federal Authorities on Tuesday sued…