Greek People Don’t Use Vinegar in Their Greek Salads—They Do This Instead

I just learned how to make a real Greek salad, and it’s even easier than I expected. A Greek salad is the ultimate summer dish. It’s cool, crisp, and refreshing, and cuts through any rich BBQ dish you just took off the grill. Best of all, the recipe is unbelievably simple. I suspect you could whip it up without a recipe at all. But, what if I told you that you’ve probably been making Greek salad wrong all along? Most of the classic components are the same—tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions,…

EXCLUSIVE: War veteran Sam Brown vows to deliver for Americans ‘crushed’ by Biden’s policies after major win

EXCLUSIVE: Former U.S. Army Capt. Sam Brown vowed to deliver results for Americans “crushed” by Biden’s policy failures, his first promise after winning a hard fought Senate primary in the crucial swing state of Nevada. “Look, this is a clear signal that Republicans here in this state are united, not only behind President Trump, but behind me to take on Joe Biden and Jackey Rosen this November,” Brown told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview just moments after the race was called.  “Americans need hope. Nevadans have been crushed…

On this day in history, June 12, 1987, Reagan urges Gorbachev to ‘tear down this wall’

On this day on June 12, 1987, President Ronald Reagan’s call to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down the Berlin Wall” became widely considered a defining moment of the Reagan presidency, according to Stanford University.  The line, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,” also came to be a profound statement of the 1980s.  President Reagan’s “tear down this wall” speech was made following the G7 summit meeting in Venice. ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY, JUNE 11, 1982, THE FILM ‘E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL’ IS RELEASED: ‘DEEPLY TOUCHING’ And as the…

Trump-Backed Incumbent Wins Red State Primary That Split House Freedom Caucus: A Riveting Political Showdown

Dive into the explosive primary race where a Trump-backed incumbent triumphed in a red state primary, causing a rift within the House Freedom Caucus. Discover the drama, strategies, and outcomes of this high-stakes political battle. The political arena is always full of surprises, and the recent red state primary was no exception. When a Trump-backed incumbent wins a red state primary that split the House Freedom Caucus, you know you’re in for a rollercoaster of a story. This race wasn’t just about winning or losing; it was about loyalty, power,…

Political Newcomer Wins GOP Primary in Key Maine Congressional District :Shaking Up the Status Quo

In a surprising turn of events, a political newcomer clinched the GOP primary in a pivotal Maine congressional district, shaking up the local political landscape and setting the stage for a heated general election. In the unpredictable world of politics, sometimes the most unexpected candidates make the biggest splash. This has certainly been the case in Maine, where a political newcomer has managed to win the GOP primary in a key congressional district. Defying the odds and the establishment, this fresh face is poised to bring a new perspective to…

This Restaurant Banned People Under 30, and the Internet’s Got Intense Opinions

Restaurant Banned People Under 30 because the owner wants a ‘grown and sexy atmosphere.’ Food & Wine / Getty Images why People Under 30 Banned ? Florissant, Missouri, population 51, 506, is a mid-American idyll, founded in the 18th century by French traders, who originally named it Fleurissant (loosely translated as “blooming”), for the amazing fecundity of the alluvial soil in the Mississippi River valley. Over the last 280 years it has slowly been transformed into an internal suburb of that other, larger French frontier trading post, St. Louis. But…

GREG GUTFELD: Hunter Biden Conviction Gives Trump a ‘Golden Opportunity’ to Condemn It

Greg Gutfeld believes Hunter Biden’s conviction offers Trump a ‘golden opportunity’ to critique political double standards. Explore how this development could impact the political landscape. Hunter Biden’s recent conviction has sent shockwaves through the political arena, stirring up heated debates and strong reactions from both sides of the aisle. Fox News personality Greg Gutfeld has weighed in on the situation, suggesting that this development gives former President Donald Trump a “golden opportunity” to condemn the perceived double standards in American politics. As the nation watches closely, the interplay between these…

By a Stream in Vermont, a Glimpse of a Plant Last Seen a Century Ago: Rediscovering History

By a stream in Vermont, a glimpse of a plant last seen a century ago has stunned botanists and nature enthusiasts. Dive into the captivating story of this botanical rediscovery, exploring its historical significance and the ongoing efforts to protect this rare gem. Imagine stumbling upon a piece of living history, a botanical relic thought to be extinct for over a century. That’s precisely what happened recently by a stream in Vermont. A seemingly ordinary hike turned into an extraordinary event when a plant, believed to have vanished from the…