‘That ’70s Show’ Star Danny Masterson Sentenced to 30 Years to Life for 2003 Rapes!

Danny Masterson

In a recent turn of events, “That ’70s Show” actor Danny Masterson has been sentenced to 30 years to life in prison for the rapes of two women that occurred two decades ago. This shocking development, which unfolded in a Los Angeles courtroom, has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry and beyond. In this article, we will delve into the details of this case, explore the reactions of the victims, and examine the implications of this verdict on both the #MeToo movement and the Church of Scientology.


1. The Sentencing

The sentencing of Danny Masterson took place in the Los Angeles Superior Court, where Judge Charlaine F. Olmedo handed down the verdict. Danny Masterson, who had been in custody since May, listened impassively as the judge delivered his fate. The gravity of the situation became evident as two brave women came forward to share their harrowing experiences and the enduring trauma they have endured.

2. Victim Statements

One of the victims, who was raped by Danny Masterson in 2003, courageously stated, “When you raped me, you stole from me. That’s what rape is, a theft of the spirit.” Her powerful words captured the essence of the pain and suffering that victims of sexual assault endure. The other victim, similarly, emphasized that Masterson showed no remorse for the pain he caused and expressed regret that she hadn’t reported him to the police sooner.

3. The Trial

The path to justice in this case was fraught with challenges. After an initial mistrial due to a hung jury, prosecutors retried Danny Masterson, resulting in his conviction on two counts of rape. These heinous acts occurred in 2003 when Danny Masterson was at the height of his fame as part of the cast of “That ’70s Show.”

4. The Church of Scientology’s Role

One intriguing aspect of this case is the alleged involvement of the Church of Scientology. Masterson and the victims were all members of this organization at the time of the assaults. It is alleged that the church’s influence was used to shield Masterson from facing consequences for his actions. The victims testified that when they reported the rapes to Scientology officials, they were discouraged from going to law enforcement.

5. Masterson’s Defense

Throughout the trial, Masterson’s defense maintained that the sexual acts were consensual. They attempted to discredit the victims’ testimonies by pointing out changes and inconsistencies in their stories over time. This strategy aimed to create doubt and suggest collusion between the victims.

6. The Impact

The sentencing of Danny Masterson is significant not only for the victims but also for the broader context of the #MeToo movement. It serves as a reminder that no one, regardless of their status or affiliation, is above the law. The conviction of a prominent actor like Masterson sends a strong message that accountability will be pursued relentlessly.

7. The Church’s Response

In response to the verdict, the Church of Scientology issued a statement denying any wrongdoing and dismissing the claims made during the trial as false. They asserted that they have no policy discouraging members from reporting criminal conduct to law enforcement.


The sentencing of Danny Masterson marks a critical moment in the ongoing battle for justice and accountability in cases of sexual assault. It also raises questions about the influence of powerful organizations in obstructing justice. As society grapples with these issues, the brave survivors who came forward in this case serve as a beacon of hope for others who have experienced similar traumas.

FAQs Of Danny Masterson

1.What were the charges against Danny Masterson?

Masterson faced three counts of rape, but he was convicted on two of them.

2.Was the Church of Scientology implicated in the case?

Yes, the victims alleged that the Church of Scientology played a role in discouraging them from reporting the rapes to law enforcement.

3.What was the defense’s argument during the trial?

Masterson’s defense claimed that the sexual acts were consensual and highlighted inconsistencies in the victims’ testimonies.

4.How long has Danny Masterson been sentenced to prison?

He has been sentenced to 30 years to life in prison.

5.What impact does this case have on the #MeToo movement?

This case underscores the importance of accountability and serves as a significant moment in the #MeToo movement’s quest for justice.

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