Ryan Mallett, a 35-year-old former quarterback for Arkansas and the NFL, died.

Ryan Mallett, a 35-year, died

Former NFL and Arkansas quarterback Ryan Mallett, aged 35, tragically drowned off the coast of Florida on Tuesday. The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating the incident. According to reports, a group of people in the water near the second sandbar was struggling to make their way back to shore. Sadly, Ryan Mallett went under and was found unresponsive. Despite immediate lifesaving efforts, he was pronounced dead at the Destin Emergency Room. The authorities have not yet confirmed if the next of kin has been notified. Ryan Mallett and…

The Dollar’s Demise : Revealing the Forces Behind BRICS’ Rise

dollar's demise

An analyst specializing in North Korea highlights the increasing speed of the decline of the US dollar’s dominance and raises concerns about the BRICS nations challenging American hegemony. An article titled “Expansion of BRICS as an Inevitable Outcome of the Current Unfair International Economic Order” was published by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the state media of North Korea. The author, Jong Il Hyon, an international affairs analyst of the DPRK, elucidated the driving forces behind the increasing participation of numerous nations in the BRICS bloc. According to Jong,…